‘Creating diversified platforms to educate clients, team, and contractors is a fundamental element of KOGAA. Our internal breakfasts embrace informal exchanges, while pin-ups support exchanges of creative and techincal knowledge, and where all voices are heard. Contractors are brought-in for team-building occasions and self-organized sports or cultural events and on a broader scale. Our self-started Social Reactor project provides a platform for our community to support collaborations and exchange of ideas, such as the newly started REACT event. Partnerships with research institutes, governmental bodies, and universities are handled by our parallel Next Institute, and our annual Brno Design Days connects local creatives, universities, companies and international players to enrich the City for the four days of the festival, and beyond.



We strongly believe in the hands-on approach, where the team is in direct contact with the construction and learns the tooling. Respecting and understanding the physical work results in smarter, more efficient, and innovative design solutions, while also teaching the importance of planning, and on-site responsibilities.



We reuse in everything we do, it is a way of thinking, and behaving, holistically. Our office interior, for instance, was designed based on materials and structures we preserved and stored in time from our events and projects. Solving where to store material, and what to do with it in the designing phase is crucial for efficient sustainability.



Building good-quality spaces cannot be done from a bad-quality office. Our office is designed generously with large working spaces and designated areas that support the variety of working typologies we run in the company. The office is a physical representation of the way we think, what we stand for, and how we work.