Our proposal for the Distrikt Mosilana redevelopment ‘Factory to quarter’ is based on the integration of the industrial heritage with a new city development. Respectfully maintaining and adapting the original buildings we give them new functions for the contemporary users, while the concept for the new development is shaped by three main urban and architectural elements: ‘Lanes’, ‘Soho’, and ‘City’.

The location is subject of controversy, as many post-industrial facilities around Europe, in relation to their possible demolition. In our proposal we maintain and reuse most of the existing structures, given their unique qualities that provide character to the location.

The design focuses on good quality public spaces, pedestrian friendly, and the integration of the water element as an active player in the daily lives of the residents. The newly introduced canal’s waterfront becomes the square where the kindergarten is its the heart, the old chimney is a sculpture and the surrounding buildings are adapted into new functions. The current surroundings are lacking parks and pedestrian zones therefore it was essential in our design to introduce a walkable and accessible area.